Öffnungszeiten: Mo-Fr 8.30–12 Uhr & 13–17.30 Uhr / sowie nach telefonischer Vereinbarung: (+ 41) 044 493 00 77 / info@remoeyer-fineart.ch

Alejandra Jean-Mairet an der Kunstausstellung “Kunst ohne Hindernisse”

Alejandra Jean-Mairet an der Kunstausstellung “Kunst ohne Hindernisse”

Dear all

I cordially invite you to this exhibition where I’ll be showing 4 drawing-paintings.

The pieces I am showing are from a 27-Pieces composition “Ich will es nicht zerstören” (“I don’t want to spoil it”).

This composition is part of the “Wall Compositions, Changing compositions”. The drawings, paintings are performed in my studio’s wall. They are done on several pieces of paper displayed onto the wall as one big surface. I perform the work during a span of time which can be days, weeks or months. It is about the process, the ever changing nature of it, the transformation manifesting itself. In this series of works I was also interested in the influence and interdepence of the whole and its parts. How during this creation process the conformation of the whole and its parts influence each other continuously.

In my drawing practice I go back and forth between impulsive, spontaneous gestures and thoughtful intention.

“Ich will es nicht zerstören” is a very intimate piece, as it worked as a canvas to manifest my emotions and thoughts on the body, the pain and consequences of the chronic illness I live with.

Alejandra Jean-Mairet an der

«Kunst ohne Hindernisse»

Künstler:innen mit Behinderung zeigen Ihre Werke im Rahmen des 50-jährigen Jubiläums von Pro Infirmis Zürich


Mittwoch, 26. Oktober 2022 17:00 Uhr, Predigerkirche
Reden: Beatrice Schwaiger, Geschäftsleiterin von Pro Infirmis Zürich
Thomas Münch, Predigerkirche
Musik: Philipp Mestrinel, Flügel
Daniel Scheider, Klarinette und Saxophon


27. Oktober bis 24. November 2022
Sonntag–Montag: 13.00–17.00 Uhr
Dienstag–Samstag: 10.00–12.00 Uhr / 13.00–17.00 Uhr

Predigerplatz 1
8001 Zürich